Thursday, August 2, 2012

Heaven Is Brighter Today

Heaven is brighter today because it welcomed another member last night. Stacey Fink, my cousin's wife, passed away after a long, hard-fought fight against cancer. Stacey leaves behind Rusty, her husband of almost 13 years, Lydia, age 11, Ellen, age 9, and Mitchell, age 6.

I don't have all of the details on this, but I believe that Stacey's cancer first showed up as breast cancer 4-5 years ago. She went through several rounds of chemotherapy and remissions, but in May of 2011, the cancer came back in her pelvis and from them on it was a hard battle. It spread to her bones and everywhere else. She and Rusty did everything they possibly could to fight this awful disease, but in the end God called her home to live with Him on August 1, 2012.

I got to know Stacey when I was a freshman and sophomore at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR. She and Rusty were dating then and I spent a lot of time hanging out with her. She was one of my few friends that I had while in Arkansas and thinking back on it now, it was so nice of her to hang out with me! I was 18-20 and she was maybe 33-35 years old...right at the age I am now. She didn't have to hang out with me, I was just her boyfriend's cousin (and Rusty and I weren't all that close and didn't know each other all that well), but she did. I'd forgotten until just recently how much time we did spend, eating out, going to movies, walking at the park, hanging out and talking. She made a hard two years of my life easier by being my friend.

And by her Facebook page, I'm not the only one whose life she touched. It has been comforting to read all of the posts from her friends over the past few weeks, especially since last night. Everyone has talked about how kind, caring, and strong Stacey was. I know she made an impact on so many lives over the years, especially Rusty and her children.

This whole situation is so bittersweet. Stacey won't be here anymore and Rusty is left without a wife and Lydia, Ellen, and Mitchell are left without a mother. Yet on the other hand, she is alive and healthy meeting Jesus and everyone else who has gone home before her. I'm sure there are several friends and family members on her side of the family that she has now been reunited with, and how sweet to think that she has finally met Rusty's mother, Marilee. (Marilee is my mom's sister and died in 1985 after a 3-year battle with breast cancer. Rusty was in college when this happened.)

The situation is also so unfair. Why would God take someone as special as Stacey? Why would He take someone with a loving husband and three young children? Why wouldn't He hear the prayers of SO many people and heal her here on earth? There are so many questions like this that will never be answered and will always leave us wondering why, but it's not ours to understand:

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, 
neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.
Isaiah 55:8, NIV

God is sovereign and no matter how much it hurts or doesn't line up with our plans, God's plan is the only perfect plan. His plan for life and His plan for death are all perfect, no matter how early death comes. Yet, God is so gracious that even in our deep sorrow He gives great peace:  

"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, 
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:7, NIV 

Peace that passes all understanding - peace that allows you to suspend all of your whys and just be, knowing that God is in control. I pray for that peace to fall upon Rusty, Lydia, Ellen, and Mitchell, and everyone else who has been affected by this great loss. 

I read the following verse just this morning:
"The Lord cares deeply when his loved ones die."
Psalm 116:15, NIV 

God cares for us even when our loved ones die. To me this seems kind of confusing...if God cares when His loved ones die, then why doesn't He just do away with death altogether so no one would have to die. I don't have an answer to this and never will. It is comforting to know, though, that God cares for us and hears our cries and is crying with us. He is there to uphold us and comfort us, giving the peace that passes all understanding.

Will you please add Rusty, Lydia, Ellen, and Mitchell to your prayer list? I've lost loved ones before, but no one as close as a spouse or parent. I can't even begin to imagine what they are feeling and going through right now, but I know the only thing that can sustain them is God.


Anonymous said...

Well said, dear Libby! Our hearts have ached as Stacey has endured such a valiant battle....and they hurt today as we experience the void of her absence. We put our faith and trust in a God so much greater than we, to love and comfort and strengthen Rusty, Lydia, Ellen and Mitchell for the very difficult journey ahead. We send our love! Aunt Linda and Uncle Dale

Anonymous said...

Beautiful tribute and perfect spiritual response to questions we can't help but ask. I haven't seen Stacey forum 30 years but will always think of her so fondly. Thank you for an incredibly inspirational tribute.