Wednesday, February 27, 2013

32 Weeks

Today marks 32 weeks of pregnancy and only 8 more weeks to go! I'm so glad I'm not only at 8 weeks along and 32 more to go! Week 8 was a miserable one for me - we took a trip to Indiana and that car ride was just awful! I had nausea the whole way there and back. So glad to be past that!

I had a doctor visit last week and everything checked out okay. I was 31 weeks along then but the baby measured at 32 weeks. I feel like she's really grown over the past couple of weeks. My belly seems to have gotten much bigger just over night. I'm feeling pretty good for the most part. I had a cold last week and still have a lingering cough which is so annoying, but am about 90% over it now. I've always heard that the first and third trimesters are the hardest as far as how you feel and the second trimester is the best where you have the most energy. For me and this pregnancy, I think I'll end up saying the first and second trimester were the hardest and the third was the easiest and most enjoyable. I haven't had much nausea to speak of since week 28 and really haven't been that tired. I feel like I've slowed down a bit when walking and bending over to pick things up or put my shoes and socks on it a bit challenging, but for the most part I feel really good and energized.

My heartburn has calmed down a bit. My doctor told me to take Tums during the day and liquid antacid at night. The liquid antacid is kind of disgusting (it's as if I'm drinking toothpaste) but I've been taking it for one week now and haven't woke up at all during the night with heartburn. Such a welcome change!

Ross and I went to an "epidural interview" yesterday at the hospital. It was a quick session where we watched a video on the epidural process, filled out some paperwork, and met with an anesthesiologist for him to explain the process a little more. That interview is a requirement if I want to have an epidural during labor. Had I not gone to the interview and decided during labor that I wanted it, then I would have had to watch the video and do the paperwork during labor. Right now my plan is to do it naturally without the epidural, but it's nice knowing I have that option if the pain gets too bad. Frankly, for some reason the epidural scares me way more than labor even after learning more about it in the video. So, as my doctor said, we'll just take a "wait and see" approach during labor.

We are going to the doctor every two weeks now and beginning in April will go every week. The countdown really is on now! I have three baby showers coming up: with my girlfriends this Thursday night, with my work on March 14, and with Mom and Stephanie on March 16. I'm looking forward to them and will be glad to have them all done in March. I want to have everything in place and ready to go (as much as possible) by April 1. Then Ross and I can just sit back, relax, and enjoy our last few weeks that we'll ever spend together alone.

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