Monday, April 6, 2015


The past six weeks have been hard with a newborn and an almost two-year-old. Molly has had a hard time getting adjusted to life outside the womb and has had lots of really bad screaming fits. It has been very stressful and tiring!

Last Wednesday my left breast hurt all day long and I wondered if I might have mastitis or something along those lines. That evening I had very bad chills and then a 101 fever when I went to bed. I texted with my Mom about it and she asked if I wanted her to come over and stay the night to help us out. I told her it was up to her and she said okay, I'm on my way. At 11pm at night! She's a good Mom, for sure.

It was very helpful with her being there. She played with Lucy which allowed me to nap some during the day, much needed! And overnight when Molly woke up to eat she would change Molly, bring her to me to feed her, and come get her when I was done and take Molly back to bed. This was great because it allowed Ross to sleep all night (he usually gets Molly overnight and changes her) and catch up on sleep, too.

Mom stayed in our guest room so I would text her saying "Done" when I was ready for her to come get Molly. We laughed about this after the fact - my Done, Done, Done....and then what's even funnier is that she replied back instead of just coming to get Molly!

However funny the texts were (or maybe they're not that funny, but things are a little loopy when sleep-deprived!) we sure appreciated my Mom being here to help. She helped take care of Lucy so many times during pregnancy when I had a dr appointment, she helped watch Lucy when Molly was born, she stayed with us for a week after Molly was born and then a few days the next week, she watches Lucy while I have Molly's dr appointments, she came over at midnight to help last week.....she's so helpful and so willing to drop anything to help, too. I sure do appreciate her and would be lost without her. Thanks Mom, I love you!

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