Sunday, December 13, 2015

Lucy's First Christmas Program...So Proud!

Lucy got to sing in her first church program today. It was a Christmas program where all the kids sang "Go Tell It On The Mountain" and "Away In A Manger." We weren't sure if she would sing or not. We often have trouble dropping her off at Sunday school because she has a little anxiety and doesn't want us to leave. However, when we pick her up when Sunday school is over she's always laughing and running around having a good time. The last few Sundays we haven't had too much trouble dropping her off so hoped for the best today, and we got it! We didn't have any trouble dropping her off and she got lined up and went out on the stage without any trouble at all.

It was so much fun to see her singing with all the other little kids! I was so proud of her! It looked like she sang about half of the time and did half of the arm motions that go with the songs. I know she knows the words to the songs because she sings them at home, but today was different with all the people there and she also woke up with a cold.

I was so proud of her! She did so great in staying up there and not wandering off the stage. Sometimes you never know what you'll get with a 2 1/2 year old and today we got the best little 2 1/2 year old there could be! I love her so! You can watch a video of her singing here.

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