Saturday, September 24, 2016

Little Girl Rooms

I love Lucy and Molly's bedrooms! To me they just say "little girl lives here," especially Lucy's room. I decorated both rooms while pregnant with each, and have made changes here and there. I've more so made changes to Lucy's room, given that we put her in a big-girl bed and moved out her changing table before Molly was born. I love the purple in her room and I love that she has a poster of Daniel Tiger and Mickey Mouse and his gang on her walls. I think that is just funny.

The rooms don't stay perfectly clean and they don't look like a picture out of Pottery Barn kids, but that's what I love about them! I want to let Lucy and Molly be little girls and decorate their rooms and dress them as such. I've seem some little girl rooms (like toddler age rooms) that look more like an adult room in how they're decorated. There's nothing wrong with that at all, it's just a personal choice. But for me, I'll put a Daniel Tiger or Mickey Mouse poster on their wall any day, even if it doesn't match or go with the rest of the room. It makes my girls happy, and that's all that matters!

The purple room is Lucy's and the pink room is Molly's.

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