Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Preschool Clothes

A few weeks ago Lucy decided that one day she needed to wear a baseball hat (which she never wears) to preschool, and the next day she needed to wear a stocking cap, scarf, and gloves to preschool. I thought whatever, it wasn't worth the fight to me and I figured she would take them off as soon as the got to school. I'm pretty sure she took off the baseball hat right away, but it was a different story for the winter gear.

When Lucy got in the car after preschool, she had on her hat and scarf, but no gloves. I laughed to myself thinking, how funny that she put them on before going home. Her teacher brought her to my car and told me that her gloves were in her bag. I asked if she wore the hat the whole day. She said yes, she wore the hat, scarf, and gloves the whole morning, but she did have to take the gloves off to eat lunch. I laughed so hard at this! I love Lucy and all the funny, funny things she does! I hope that stays with her for the rest of her life.

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