Monday, November 21, 2016

Gifts From My Girls

I received some surprise gifts from my girls for my birthday!

One was a coffee mug from Lucy and Molly that has three of my favorite pictures of the three of us together on it. I love this mug! Ross helped them with it a little bit, too. :)

The other gift was a complete surprise! With a little help from Gumma and Poppy, Lucy and Molly each gave me two bottles of nail polish and a bracelet. The girls stayed the night with Gumma and Poppy a few nights before my birthday and Mom and Dad took them to the Dollar Store in Ash Grove and let the girls pick out some presents for me. Mom said they gently helped the girls pick out something they knew I would like....figuring I wouldn't really want the pair of scissors Lucy first picked out. :)

It was such a surprise and such a nice, sweet gift!

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