Monday, October 15, 2018

Lucy And The Balance Beam

I'm so proud of Lucy! She's been doing gymnastics for a few weeks now and really seems to like it. I wasn't too excited about gymnastics because I thought dance would suit her better, but this last week I realized that maybe gymnastics is just perfect for her right now. In this video here, you can watch her stand up on the balance beam and walk on it all by herself. This is big for her! She tends to be a bit on the scared/fearful side when it comes to doing things like this. And the times we've been to open gym, she won't go anywhere near the balance beam, even with my help! I was so excited and so proud to see her do this balance beam exercise! I realized that maybe gymnastics is exactly what she needs right now to help her conquer some fears and gain some confidence. So I'm proud of Lucy and I'm proud of myself for allowing her to do gymnastics even when it wasn't what I wanted for her. :) 

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