Monday, October 22, 2018

Things Will Always Be Found

The girls have had a dollhouse for almost two years now. The dollhouse came with some furniture, one piece being the piano pictured below. The piano has three legs on it that are not permanently attached, and for the last year one piano leg has been missing. I have looked and looked and looked for it, never being able to find it. I always figured it would show up somewhere, but never guessed it would show up when getting my fall/Halloween decorations out this year!

I have no idea how or why this happened, but the missing piano leg showed up in one of the pumpkin cups the girls got as a gift last year. The cup got packed away after Halloween last year, and when I was getting all my decorations out  few weeks ago, Lucy took the cup and showed me the leg that was inside of it. At first I couldn't figure out what it was, and then realized it was the missing piano leg! I laughed and laughed and laughed at this! And thinking back to it, the way Lucy got the cup out of my box and found the leg, it seems like maybe she knew it was in there all along?! Who knows. I'm just glad to have the leg back so the piano can stand up again. And I did take some hot glue and glue all three legs into the piano so hopefully we wont' have this problem again!

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