Saturday, February 22, 2020

Me & My Guy Dance

Each year our school PTA sponsors a "Me & My Guy" dance. Girls are invited to bring the special guy (dad, grandpa, uncle, etc.) in their life and enjoy a night of dressing up and dancing. This year I was in charge of the dance and I think it was a huge success! The theme was Enchantment Under the Sea and we had the most awesomest decorations ever! We found ideas on Pinterest and then our PTA president created everything. We used pool noodles, sticks, gumballs, construction paper, boxes, spray foam, plastic tablecloth, all sorts of things to create the decorations and a great atmosphere.

During the dance we had a best girl dancer, best guy dancer, and best dressed couple competition. The winners all a sash, and the best dancer got these super cute tropies and the best dressed couple got a crown and tiara. I'm in love with these trophies!

This is the photo backdrop we put together. The seashell is made out of carboard and spray paint.

This jelly fish hung from the ceiling. It was made out of a big ring, streamers, and lights. It looked so good hanging from the ceiling!

These coral reef sculptures turned out so good! They are made out of pool noodles that were cut up all sorts of different ways, spray painted sticks, rolled up construction paper, and spray foam made into starfish. We had seven of these reefs and they were simply amazing!

We lined the hallway ceiling with plastic tablecloth and put cut out figures of different sea life on top of the paper. It looked so cool and really did make you feel like you were under the sea!

These are the awesome PTA ladies I work with! We all worked equally hard to put on a top-notch dance for all the little school girls. It was a great night! 

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