Wednesday, September 2, 2020

First Week Of School!

Last week was our first week of school and it went really well! Due to Covid, Springfield is doing a hybrid model for school this quarter. The students are broken up into two groups based on their last name, A-K or L-Z. The A-K group goes to the school building on Mondays and Tuesdays, while the L-Z group is at home doing work on their own. Everyone stays home on Wednesdays and does virtual learning with their teachers, and then Thursdays and Fridays the L-Z groups goes to the school building and the A-K group stays home to do their work. I was very surprised that SPS chose this option and was quite sad, mad, disappointed, etc., with this decision. It took me a few weeks to finally (kind of finally) be okay with it. 

Our week began last Monday with school at home. I have my class on MWF at 9am, so the girls came to the gym with me on Monday just like any other day. We started in on their school work when we got home. Lucy received a video message from her teacher with assignments for the day and Molly had been sent home from K meet the teacher day with some worksheets to do on our home days. Overall our day went really well and I was very proud of how they both worked. I realized, though, that I need to schedule more breaks in during our home school, especially for Molly.

Tuesday was the same as Monday and both girls worked really well. Wednesday was different. Lucy began her day at 8:30 with a zoom meeting with her teacher and whole class. They were on and off of zoom meetings throughout the morning and worked on assignments in the meantime. Molly had a zoom meeting with her class and teacher at 8:30 also. I had to sit with her and help her. That zoom call was the worst call I've ever been on. One student on the call was sitting next to a sibling who was also on a zoom call and that student didn't have on headphones, so all we heard was the other teacher teaching that student. It was so frustrating because we couldn't hear our teacher at all! Even our teacher was frustrated! She ended the call a little earlier than had planned because of that, so we just started working on the few things Molly had to do. I know this is the first week of virtual learning and it will get better, but Wednesday was a stressful day! 

Thursday and Friday, however, were great days! Both girls were so excited (and a little nervous) to go to school. We woke up and got ready that morning then took some pictures outside and we all went up to the school together to take more pictures. The doors didn't open until 8:30am, so we had a few minutes to wait and when the doors opened, they walked in together. You can watch them walk in here.  I picked them up that afternoon and both girls said they had a great day! 

I uploaded the pictures in the wrong order, so start from the bottom and scroll up to see everything in order. The first few pictures are from the week before school started when we had a drive-thru meet the teacher event for Lucy, got to see the class lists posted at school, had an in-person meet the teacher for Molly, pictures of their "first" day of school spent at the gym, some pictures of our home school work, and also a picture of their backpacks and lunches on the first day of school. I've taken a picture like that on the first day since Lucy started preschool and I really don't know why. :) 

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