Monday, October 19, 2020

Smart Kid

I took the girls to get a flu shot today and man, if I was a drinking person I would have definitely had a drink after it was over! Both girls were nervous about it and even started crying when they found out they would get the needle shot instead of being able to just sniff the vaccine. Then they both started crying and were very nervous and scared when the nurse came in to actually do it. Molly went first and cried and cried and cried, and all the while Lucy was crying and crying and crying and it wasn't even her turn yet! When Molly got her shot she screamed a little but was able to calm down when it was over. Lucy was very upset about it and it was hard to get her to calm down. It it just quite the that I absolutely dread!

Both girls said they couldn't move their arms anymore and I even had to buckle Molly in her carseat...because she couldn't move her arm. When we got home Molly still complained off and on of her arm hurting and not being able to move it, so she made herself a sling. And gosh, I wish I would have had the sling with me at the doctor's office because that sling seemed to completely heal her arm! :) :) :) :) 

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