Thursday, October 1, 2020

Positive Principal ReferralS!

Two Fridays ago I was at HyVee and my phone rang. The caller ID popped up as "Horace Mann Elementary School." My very first thought was "Oh no, a kid is sick and we are going to have to quarantine," because, you know, 2020. However, I was relieved and thankful to hear that was not the case for the call from school! Instead it was because BOTH of my girls received a Positive Principal Referral and the principal was calling to tell me about it. I think I could have cried...and I don't know if those tears would have been because I was so proud and happy or because I was so relieved it wasn't a sick call! 

The girls each received the Positive Principal Referral from their computer teacher. The note she wrote about them was that they had been doing a good job completing their computer assignments on their at home days. On our three days of school at home the girls have their regular school work (math, reading, writing) to complete and they also have work from the special classes (PE, music, art, computers) to complete. It's been unclear as to whether or not the specials are actually required or just more of a suggestion to do, but we have diligently been doing all of the assignments. So, I'm looking at this Positive Principal Referral more of a reward for me than them because I'm the one managing their at at home school (especially for Molly) and making sure they're doing everything on their check lists. I also love that our school does this and that the principal calls to tell you about this instead of just sending a note home. I am so happy with our school and thankful we are where we are! 

I recorded a video of them with their prizes and explaining why they got the prizes that you can watch it here

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