Thursday, April 1, 2021

Hotel Fun With Molly

Molly is so much fun! She just seems to carry a good time in her back pocket and make her own fun whenever she can! She was very excited to pack her bag for our St. Louis spring break trip and did it all herself. When I checked her bag to see if she had what she needed I had a good laugh...because why wouldn't you pack some craft supplies and a mask from Lucy's daddy/daughter masquerade dance a few years back?! :) 

When we got to our room Molly was very excited to unpack her bag! She took out most everything from her bag and put it into one of the drawers. This was so funny to me! I never do this, just live out of my suitcase for the time I'm at the hotel. I asked her why she was doing that and she had such a logical answer that her clothes belong in the drawer, not her bag! 

She also discovered the closet and used that to change into her clothes. Molly is such a fun little girl and I love her so! 

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