Friday, December 10, 2021

Church Christmas Photo Shoot

We started going to a new church earlier this year. We weren't looking to change, but it just worked out as a good fit for us. Ross had been at our old church, Christ Community Church, for maybe 20 years, and I have been going there for 13 - ever since we started dating. 

Our new church, Life.Church is quite a bit different from CCC! It's a satellite campus, one of 39 I believe, and although they don't like to call themselves a "megachurch" one could argue that's what it is! It's very close to our house and has been there for maybe three years. I've always wondered what it's like and one day this summer we decided to try it out. Ross and I both really liked it, as did the girls, so we just decided to give it a try and start going there. We can't say it's our "forever church home" but for now it is a very good fit for us.

I even started volunteering there once a week on Thursday mornings. I help set up the coffee and tea bar area, and make sure all the communication cards are placed on the seats in the sanctuary. (Which, side note...I call it the sanctuary but am very much aware of how I/m dating myself with that, as they refer to it as the auditorium. ;) ) 

They certainly went all out decorating the lobby for Christmas! They have two very pretty photo booth areas set up and I made sure to take advantage of it last Sunday! 

I could do without some of the "image" type tings that come along with a big church like this, but overall I really like it. I love the worship and I love the preaching. We are hoping to get involved with a life group in the new year. I really look forward to that and getting to know more families there. The girls really like the Sunday school and look forward to going each week! 

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