Monday, June 20, 2022


Ross and I really don't go to see movies very often. We didn't see movie very often even when we didn't have kids and had more disposable income. We don't go because we need to find childcare, movies are expensive, and there's not really a whole lot out that we really want to see. That changed this past May when Top Gun Maverick came out! Ross had been looking forward to seeing this since it was first supposed to come out in 2020. The release date was pushed back due to covid, and it finally came out on Memorial Day weekend. He bought out tickets a few weeks before that, I lined up childcare with my parents, and we had a great night out seeing the movie. It was really good and we both look forward to seeing it again!

And just four days later I took the girls to see Minions at the movie theater for part of a "kids camp" summer movie program this movie theater is sponsoring. Family/kid-friendly movies are only $5 during the summer, so I took the girls to see that movie one day. I found another movie theater in town that is doing summer movies like this, too, but for only $2/ticket! We will definitely be seeing more movies this summer! 

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