Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Halloween 2022

We had a fun Halloween this year! Lucy decided to dress up as a 50s girl and Molly dressed up as Evie from the Descendants movies. We borrowed Molly's costume from a friend so that was pretty nice! It came with a wig and she started off with it on, but quickly took it off because it was not comfortable! Lucy looked great in her dress and really enjoyed it. She really wanted saddle shoes to compelte the look...maybe next time!  

Our Halloween fetivities began on Friday, 10/28, with the "Monster Mash Boo Bash" and trunk or treating at school. This was a PTA event that I helped plan. It was a family-friendly costume dance party in the gym and trunk or treating in the parking lot afterwards. It was a really good time! 

On Sunday afternoon we had a costume parade through our neighborhood and then carved our pumpkins. Carving pumpkins for us looks like Ross cutting off and top and scopping out the guts, then I take over with cutting the face. The girls just sit and watch. ;) Lucy wanted a heart and I think her heart turned out pretty good if I do say so myself! Molly wanted a classic jack-o-lantern who she named "Happy Jack!" 

The girls were out of school on Halloween and the day after (woohoo!) so they had to go to the gym with me Monday morning. I loved that they wanted to wear their costumes to the gym! We hung out at home that day while I made cinnamon rolls and chili for dinner. Gumma and Poppy came over for dinner and trick or treating and our friends, Steve, Dana, Darby, and Owen came over, too. 

We headed out to collect candy about 6:20 and it was a perfect night! The temperature was great and it was just a lot of fun! There seeemd to be several kids out trick or treating and it was really fun to see all the different costumes! 

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