Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sold.....But Not To Us

We found out yesterday that the house we have been hoping to buy (once Ross' house sold) has sold to another owner. We were both kind of bummed about it but not too broken up. We realize that this obviously wasn't the house God has planned for us and are looking forward to finding that house!

We haven't had any hits on Ross' house for a few weeks. It has been on the market for a little over a month now and we have had a few people look through it but no follow-ups. So it looks like I will be moving to Battlefield after we're married! I am looking forward to setting up a new house and making it into more of a home for both of us.

Can you believe our wedding is just 24 days away?! Right now I'm feeling very good about the day. I still need to get the wedding ceremony programs printed and work on the seating arrangements for the reception. Other than that, I really don't know what's left! And I've been thinking about our wedding day and different things that could wrong and have such a peace about it! Who cares if something gets out of order, who cares if the music doesn't go right, who cares if I trip (I sure hope not, though!)....point being I really want to not let anything that goes wrong that day bother me. I just want to have a fun, fun day!

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