Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Best Things In Life Are Shared

When Ross picked me up for our wedding rehearsal he brought me a gift bag that had a card and my wedding present in it. He told me to open it when I woke up Saturday morning. I really didn't know what it was and was very excited to open it.

So after waking up on our wedding day the first thing I did was open the present. I read the card first, and as usual, it was so nice and touching; cue crying! Ross is so good at sharing his heart with me! Then I pulled out my present; cue more crying! It was one bowl with two spoons and says "The Best Things In Life Are Shared."

I first saw this bowl at a Hallmark store back in October and loved it. I told Ross he needed to get it for me because of his love for sharing food with me, NOT!

Ross and I have an ongoing battle over sharing our food and drinks. When he orders a Coke our conversation goes something like this:
Ross: Do you want a Coke?
Libby: No, I'll just have some drinks of yours.
Ross: Why don't you just get your own Coke?
Libby: If I order a Coke for myself I won't finish it and I'll waist it so I'll just have some drinks from yours.

You can replace "Coke" with French fries, candy, dessert, bread, etc., and the outcome is still the same. Ross (like most every other guy I'm finding) doesn't like to share his food - he ordered it so he wants to eat all of it. So the fact that he gave me this sharing bowl is just priceless to me!

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