Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Married for One Month!

Monday, May 17, was our one-month wedding anniversary! It's hard to believe one month has already passed and I'm sure we'll be saying the same every month and year hereafter. Time certainly does fly when you're having fun.

Ross and I had a nice dinner together to celebrate our month of matrimony. We put a pork roast with potatoes and carrots in the crock pot that morning and enjoyed coming home to the delicious smell that filled our house. I also came home to find a rose laying on my side of our bed with a card addressed to Mrs. Libby Wiseman. My husband is so good to me! We have discussed that we never want to stop dating each other and I truly believe that we won't.

I set our table using our new china plates and our wedding toasting glasses. I also made sure we used the butter dishes, serving bowl and spoon, placemats and napkins we received as wedding gifts. I probably didn't need to use all that I did, but it was fun anyway!

We had a nice, enjoyable meal together, just the two of us - no television in the background! The skies had cleared from the weekend rain so we took a short walk around our neighborhood after dinner and just enjoyed being together!

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