Monday, May 24, 2010

Single Living Again

Ross left on Sunday for a business trip in Connecticut so I am living as a single girl again this week.

His company, Traveler's Insurance, is headquartered in Hartford, Connecticut, and once a year he makes the trip up there for a week-long training class. This week he is learning about writing estimates on heavy equipment. He left Sunday and will return home this Friday, May 28. He had the choice of going this week or going in the middle of December but we agreed that May would be a much better time to go. December just gets so busy with Christmas parties.

We've been married now for 5 weeks and 2 days and it's amazing how used to each others company we have become in that short of time. We truly enjoy spending our spare time together and I'm happy to honestly make that statement. Before we were married we both worried a little that we'd get tired of each other or need a lot of down/alone time. We would even joke that we should keep my house so we could have a "vacation from each other house" to go to when needed! We have spent the majority of our spare time together since we've been married and look forward to doing so. I'm so glad our worries were just that - worries. We just enjoy being together.

I've only had 1 day alone this week but have found that living alone is kind of boring. Our house seems so big and quiet when I'm there alone. But I have lots of things planned to do around the house this week and might go over to my house to finish packing and cleaning. I don't think I'll be bored, just lonely and feel somewhat like part of me is missing. I'll definitely be looking forward to Friday night around 7:30 when I pick my husband up from the airport!

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