Saturday, March 26, 2011

Where I Work

You've seen my husband and I together in pictures, you've seen our house in pictures, now it's time for you to see where I work in pictures!

For the past 6 1/2 years, I have worked at the Assemblies of God Headquarters office. More specifically, I work in the U.S. Missions office as a Promotions and Events Coordinator. I work 8-4:30, Monday-Friday, and often times get to leave early on Friday. You can't beat that!

I have several different job duties, my favorite being to coordinate events hosted by U.S. Missions. I love to plan, so this is right up my alley! I work with the event venue to secure meeting room space, meals, special needs, etc.

Each month I put together our missionary newsletter and AGUSM Board newsletter, mail thank you letters (I'm very good at stuffing envelopes), update our Facebook and Twitter pages, send all specs to designers when designing a new piece or ad, submit projects to print, research and order giveaway items, coordinate booth shipping for district councils, and lots of other miscellaneous tasks.

All in all, I have a pretty good job and am very thankful for it.

I'm so glad to have an actual office and not a cubicle!

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