Monday, February 13, 2012

A Professional, Courteous Young Man

A few days ago Ross received a very nice compliment from a customer he was working with. Read for yourself what a great, professional, working man my husband is:  

"Your gentleman who estimates damages, was here...and quite a professional courteous young man...Different for this day and age....he is to be complimented."

"The young man told me, if the body shop found anything additional for them to call him, and they could proceed further together..  But if the body shop finds nothing else than he did, I will let you know, and we can get that settled....   Thank you for and the young man both for your professional approach to this unfortunate situation."

I'm so proud of Ross! He is such a good worker and does a very good job on all of his assignments. He is quick, thorough, accurate, and consistently ranks near the top of the appraisers in his region. He takes his work seriously and follows up on everything. He even goes the extra mile (ha, no pun intended!) by driving to places out of his area to help his fellow coworkers when needed.

Good job, Ross! I'm proud of you!

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