Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A New Year of MOPS

Last year I wrote a post about MOPS. You can read about it here. I was involved in my MOPS group all year and thoroughly enjoyed it. I made some good friends from it and decided to come back this year and even volunteered to be a table host. My job as a table host is to welcome everyone, keep the conversation at my table flowing, try to get everyone involved, keep everyone at my table (8 moms and 1 mentor mom) informed of upcoming events, plan play dates, and just keep everything organized. 

We had our first meeting today and it went really well. Everyone seemed very friendly and like we will all get along well. When I received the list telling me who all was at my table I saw that two of the ladies at my table are part of the steering team. One lady is the finance coordinator and one lady is the coordinator over all of MOPS at Central AG. I have to admit, this really intimidated me and I wished I had not volunteered for this job. I was thinking that again when driving to MOPS this morning.

Overall, I think I'm a pretty friendly and easy to get along with person, but I tend to be shy in new situations and when meeting new people. My shyness came out this morning at the beginning of the meeting but I realized that I was the one in charge of this table and needed to step up and be extra extraverted, but not annoying. :)

The meeting went well and I was proud of myself for coming up with things to talk about and everyone involved. It made me feel very happy and relieved when Bekah, the finance coordinator, told me at the end of the meeting that I did a really good job today. And then later in the day the table host coordinator called to see how everything went. She told me that Sara, the MOPS coordinator, told her I did a great job and she was impressed with how organized I was. Oh that made my day and made me very happy that I'm a table host. Even though I got a little scared and wished I hadn't signed up for it at the beginning, I'm very glad I did. I like things like this and think that I excel at them.

The second thoughts I had this morning on my way to MOPS are quite common for me. I can think of several times when I have started something new and totally regretted it right off the bat, but then was extremely glad that I did it. The time I remember the most is when I started graduate school. After my first graduate class, I remember sitting in my office at work and called my dad, crying, to say that I didn't want to go to graduate school. I don't remember exactly what all he said to me, but I do remember that he was a bit irritated with me. In the end, though, it all worked out just fine and I'm very glad that I went to grad school and I'm very glad that I'm a MOPS table host this year.

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