Wednesday, March 11, 2015

You're Never Really Ready

One thing I've learned after having two kids now is that no matter how ready you think you are, you're never really ready! I first learned this when I went into labor with Lucy. I remember that night so well! My water broke at home and we headed to the hospital shortly after. I felt a mix of emotions from excited to nervous to happy to scared, so many feelings all at once, and one of them being this feeling of not being ready! No matter how much I had prepared - her room was ready, our house was ready, the car seat was in the car, my bag was packed - there was this overwhelming feeling of not being ready for Lucy to be born. I needed a few more days to get ready. I don't know what I would have done had I had those extra days. I was overdue with Lucy, so was basically just sitting around waiting to go into labor. 

And I felt this same overwhelming feeling of not being ready when I went into labor with Molly just a few weeks ago. It was the same thing again - her room was ready, our house was ready, the car seat was in the car, my bag was packed - yet there I was feeling so not ready again! Again, I don't know what I would have done had I gone into labor a few days later. Everything was done and we were playing a waiting game again.

I'm sure you can relate this never ready feeling to anything in life...changing jobs, getting married, the death of a friend or loved matter how much you prepare, you are just not ready for that big change.

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