Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Back To Reality, Again

One night last week while taking the trash out I momentarily felt like I was stepping into the most perfect summer evening. It had been raining earlier that day but had cleared off to be a pretty nice night. The sun was almost completely set and it just felt like summer. I started thinking about how nice it would be for Ross and I to sit on our deck together and enjoy the perfect summer night. I also remembered the times we had done that (before kids) with our friends. Fun times, fun memories.

But it didn't last long. I was completely and very quickly removed from my oh so sweet walk down memory lane and soaking up the summertime evening and brought back to reality when I opened up the trash can. But how can one not be brought back to reality when throwing away dirty diapers and getting a whiff of all the other dirty diapers that had been sitting in the trash can, in the hot summer sun, for the past week?

So I threw my trash out and laughed to myself at how much my life has changed over the past two years and went back inside to put my two-year-old and four-month-old to bed. And such is parenthood.

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