Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Perspective From The Eyes Of A Thirteen-Year-Old Boy

I've written two blog posts about something funny my nephew, Trevor, said. You can read about them here. Trevor is now 13 and going to be in eighth grade this fall. We were at Gumma and Poppy's last week and he was there, too. When it came time for lunch Gumma said he could get whatever he wanted from Sonic. He was excited about this and said he wanted a grilled cheese. He was also very quick to add that he was 13 now so didn't need to get the grilled cheese from the kid's menu, but rather from the adult menu.

This was funny to me! I remember being little and eating something from the kid's menu but wanting to eat from the adult menu instead, especially around age 11 and 12. It's kind of funny how that goes because now I wish I could order from the kid's menu for my meals. The portions are smaller and usually leave me full and they are also cheaper!

Stay tuned for more perspectives from Trevor!

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