Monday, July 6, 2015

The Man On The Flying Trapeze

For the past 1 1/2 years we've been listening to nursery rhymes while driving in the car. Lucy loves listening to them and has gotten pretty good at singing them, too. I actually find myself singing along with the cd and even know which song is coming up next.

One of my favorite songs we listen to is "The Man On The Flying Trapeze." It took me a few times of hearing it before I actually listened to the words and then I got a great laugh out of it. I still laugh at the song when it comes on. It is just so funny that I had to share it with you!

He flies through the air with the greatest of ease
The daring young man on the flying trapeze
His movements are graceful, the girls he does please
That man on the flying trapeze.

One night as he swung on the flying trapeze
He covered his mouth as he started to sneeze
And then without warning he suddenly fell
And now there's no story to tell

They buried the man on the flying trapeze
The clowns and the elephants, how they did grieve
They told of his daring, the tears did abound
Cause you can't swing when you're underground

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