Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Face Masks

I really wish I didn't have a picture like this to share, but I do! It's of all the face masks we have at our house, and this isn't even all of them! It's Lucy's, Molly's, and some new ones I had to buy for Ross since he needed some for his new job. The three masks I rotate between are in my car and the masks the girls already wore this week aren't pictured, either. 

But, as much as I hate this picture and hate wearing masks, I'll do it if it means we can go places and the girls can go to school! I just really hope masks won't be required when school starts again in the fall! I am so very thankful, though, that the girls have done a fantastic job with wearing their masks at school. They never complain about it and sometimes I have to remind them to take it off once they get into the car after school! 

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