Thursday, May 20, 2021

PTA Teacher Appreciation Week

I've been our PTA secretary for the last two years and have really enjoyed it. We host several events during the year, although this year hasn't been normal due to Covid. One event that we were able to do this year was Teacher Appreciation Week. This is a nationwide thing and is the first full week of May. The PTA provides meals and snacks each day of the week for the teachers and staff and we also pick a theme for the week and try to do decorations as much as possible. This year we chose and Olympics theme since the summer Olympics will be held this year. I love our theme and love how we decorated! This is the teacher's lounge where we set up all our food for the week. One lady on our PTA board is an artist and she drew the eagle (because we are the Horace Mann Elementary Eagles) in the picture at the bottom. I'm so impressed with her talent! 

One thing we thought was really funny....If you notice in the first picture below there's boxes that say 2, 1, 3. These are supposed to be podiums you would stand on when getting your medal at Olympic  medal ceremonies. We provided breakfast items in the picture below and we placed some Pop-Tarts on the #1 podium, muffins on the #2 podium, and little chocolate and powdered donuts on the #3 if to say the Pop-Tarts win the gold medal! We just thought that was too funny and had some funny comments about it, too! I really enjoy my work with PTA and look forward to being the PRESIDENT for the next two years!!!  

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