Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Cheap Hair Dye

I let the girls dye their hair with Kool-Aid last week! Molly had been wanting to do this for quite a while and I said why not. I looked up how to do it, we bought the Kool-Aid mix, and got to work! It wasn't hard at all and was a quick process really. I just boiled two cups of water with the packets of Kool-Aid and the dye was ready to go. We found a chart online telling what flavor of Kool-Aid to use for what color hair you wanted, so that part was pretty easy. I put their hair in a ponytail and let the ponytail soak in the Kool-Aid mix for about seven minutes. I pulled out their hair, dried it off, and they had colored hair! Lucy's turned out really good due to the length of her hair. Molly's was a bit spotty in where it was colored because her hair is a little shorter. 

It was fun to do and they enjoyed it. I wouldn't mind to try it again, but first want to see how long it stays in. Some articles I've read say the color stays in for a long time, others say it fades pretty quickly, so we will see! 

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