Monday, July 19, 2021

Letters From The Past

I have written letters and cards to family and friends for as long as I can remember. Even when I was a little girl in elementary school I would write letters to my grandparents and aunts and uncles. I don't  remember a specific starting time of doing this, but it has stuck with me through my entire life and still to this day at 42 years old I send letters and cards to family and friends. I would imagine my mom encouraged me to do this because she would forever be writing letters to her parents and often times we would have to rush down to the post office in town to beat the mail pickup so the letter could go out on that day. 

I remember writing to my Gramma Ward recently and commenting on how the information in my letters has changed over the years! When I was in high school I'd write about the sports games I played. When I was in college I'd write about all my classes and tests. When I was out of college and working I'd write about my job, my exercise classes, and my training runs or climbing trips I'd go on. When I met Ross I'm sure my letters were all about Ross, and then now they are probably just all about Lucy and Molly! 

Last week I got a surprise in the mail from my Aunt Cheryl. She sent me an envelope full of some letters I had sent her over the years that she had saved. There were also some newspaper clippings I was featured in from our local newspaper that she had received. I was so surprised and happy to get this mail! She said she'd been cleaning out lately and came across these and thought I might enjoy having them. It was such a treat and also fun to think that she saved some of my letters! That means a lot to me and was such a special surprise!

I try to get my girls to write letters to their friends and our family, but they're not too interested in it. I hope this changes and they find enjoyment in sending people letters and staying in touch!   

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