Sunday, January 23, 2022

Mommy Knows Us SO Well!

When the girls take a shower and wash their hair I always dry their hair with my hairdryer in my bathroom. When they get ready in the morning I usually end up brushing their hair and running my straight iron through their hair at the kitchen table. I have wanted to get away from this set up (especially brushing hair at the kitchen table) for a long time time now, but habits are sometimes hard to break! 

The past few weeks I've started making them go upstairs in the mornings to their bathroom to get their hair brushed. I bring my straight iron in there to brush and fix their hair. This has gone okay so far, but I get tired of bringing my straight iron back and forth. So I decided that it was time for them to have their own. I told them I was going to buy them their own hair dryer and straight iron to keep in their bathroom. They were super excited about this, especially Molly! She kept asking me each day if I'd bought the new items yet. When I finally said yes, she was really excited! I let them open up the Amazon box both items came in and it was so fun to listen to them open it!

The flat iron I bought for them is pink in color. I heard Molly "ooh and ahh" over it when she got it out of the box and say, "Lucy look! Mommy knows us so well!" That was so sweet! I'm assuming she was talking about me knowing that they would love the pink straight iron! That made my day!  

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