Friday, March 8, 2024

Spelling Bee Winners!

Our school has a Spelling Bee each year that starts with a classroom Bee and then the winners from each classroom Bee get to compete in the schoolwide Speling Bee. The winner from that gets to move onto the state Spelling Bee. 

For Lucy's class, it came down to her and one other boy. They went round and round and round until the other boy finally won out over Lucy. Lucy was so disappointed because she really wanted to win! 

Molly, on the other hand, won her classroom Spelling Bee! She was really excited for that, but also very nervous to be in front of the whole school. I was subbing 4th grade on the day of the Spelling Bee, so I got to watch it! Molly did a really great job and it came down to her and three other fifth grade boys going 3-4 rounds before Molly finally spelled a word wrong and lost out. 

I'm so proud of her! She did a great job and reall held her own against three boys who are two years older than her! 

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