Thursday, March 1, 2012

Kind-Of Pie

I've recently rediscovered a dessert that my mom used to make for us when we were growing up. I think she called it cherry crisp, but I like to call it kind-of pie. It's pie filling with a sweet and crunchy topping and she used to make it with cherry pie filling. I don't like cherries, so I would just eat the tasty topping and leave the cherries in the pan. I got in trouble for this. 

I call it kind-of pie because it doesn't have a real pie crust, just the topping. I make it with peach or apple filling. I like peach, but Ross doesn't. He likes apple and although it's not my favorite, I've found the apple filling is a nice compliment to the sweet topping.
Kind-of pie is really easy to make and only requires three ingredients:
  • 1 white Jiffy cake mix
  • 1 can pie filling (any kind you want)
  • 1/4 c softened margarine (4 Tbsp)
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Pour the pie filling into a pie plate and spread around to cover the bottom. Cut the margarine into the cake mix until it's mixed together well. Pour the cake mix on top of the pie filling and bake for 40-45 minutes. Enjoy!

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