Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Busy Saturday

This coming Saturday will be a busy one for us. It will consist of a half marathon, a pedicure (hopefully!), a wedding, and driving back home that evening. And the busyness doesn't stop continues to Sunday morning when we'll be waking up around 4:30 to get to the airport by 5:30 in time for our 6:30 flight taking us to Jamaica for our anniversary trip! We are very excited about this trip and can't wait to get there!

I'm excited for the half marathon (13.1 miles) on Saturday morning. I've been training for this since February and feel ready for it. It's a hilly course, but I am ready to conquer the hills! I hope to meet up with my sister-in-law after the run for a pedicure - what a great way to reward myself for the training and race and get my toes looking good for the beach!

That afternoon we're going to a wedding of a family friend of the Wiseman's, Ingrid Holmberg. I'm so happy for her. She will be 35 this year and has never been married. It's always exciting to me when someone a little "older" (not that 35 is old by any means) gets married because I can relate to that. I can relate to the feelings she probably had of wondering if she would ever get married after going to countless bridal showers and weddings. So, congratulations Ingrid & Curt!

After the wedding we'll head back home because we're flying out of Springfield early Sunday morning. We usually fly out of Kansas City, but the thought of driving only 20 minutes compared to 120+ minutes to get home when we got back won out over the marginal cost savings of flying out of Kansas City. We'll be tired Sunday morning, but we've got a week to relax and rest up, so I think it will be worth it!

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