Friday, April 27, 2012

Young Ladies Knitting Circle

A few months ago, I was telling my friend, Erica, about my dilemma of trying to figure out which knitting project to do next:  a baby dress that had a complicated pattern or another baby blanket. I've wanted to make the dress for a while, but was a bit intimidated by the pattern. This decision was really stressing me out...I know, what a hard life I lead...

Anyway, Erica told me about some of her crocheting projects and I was so excited to hear that she crochets! I didn't know this about her and thought it was great because I wanted to learn how to crochet, and up to then didn't know anyone who could teach me. We talked about our yarn work a little more and she suggested we start a knitting circle, the "Young Ladies Knitting Circle." Oh I was so excited about this idea and started making plans for it immediately!

We decided to meet the first Thursday of each month to sit together and knit or crochet. Our first meeting was in March at my house and we had six girls show up. I taught everyone how to knit at this meeting and I must say, it was challenging! I've been knitting for quite a few years, since 1988 (I remember because my Mom taught me to knit while we were watching the Republican National Convention on television). Once you've been doing something for so long it's hard to remember what it was like when you first learned how to do it. I had high hopes of everyone completing a coaster and maybe even starting a second one during the two-hour time frame, but quickly realized that fantasy was not going to become a reality! Even though knitting proved to be a bit challenging, it was still a good time. Two of the girls took their work home and actually completed their coaster. I am very proud of them! 

Our next meeting was in April and we had six girls show up again. Erica taught us how to crochet, and this proved to be much easier for the girls than knitting. She taught us how to make a scarf and we enjoyed sitting together chatting and crocheting. I like crocheting and completed my scarf in about one week. I think crocheting is much easier than knitting, especially for someone who has no experience with either of the two.

I'm looking forwad to May 3 when we meet again! From now on, we'll just and work on whatever craft we prefer - knitting or crocheting. I'm so glad we started this group and hope it continues for a long time! It's fun to be a little old fashioned like this!

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