Friday, April 6, 2012

It's Friday, But Sunday's Comin'!

Today is Good Friday. In the Christian world this day is known as the day that Jesus was crucified on a cross and died. It's such a bittersweet story, or more like an unimaginable story. How could someone endure such physical and emotional pain like that?

I absolutely love Easter. It is my favorite holiday by far. I get excited thinking about everything that Easter means:  Jesus died such a cruel death so that I, Libby Lee Ward Wiseman, could have life. And the fact that He did that Y-E-A-R-S before I was ever thought of, just for me. And He had me in mind when He was hanging on that cross. 

It's just exciting to me and I look forward to Easter Sunday every year!

If you have a few minutes, take time to watch this video, It's Friday, But Sunday's Comin'

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