Thursday, May 3, 2012

Two Pearls

For our first anniversary, my Mom gave us a poem she wrote along with a glass bottle filled with rocks and a bag of pearls tied to it. The rocks in the bottle represent God, the foundation of our marriage. The pearls represent the treasure we have found in each other through our marriage. The poem tells us that each year on our anniversary we are to take a pearl from the bag and place it in the bottle, saying "Happy Anniversary, I love you dear!" The pearls will represent the years that we share together and help us remember all of the memories we've made. You can read more about it and zoom in on a picture of the poem to read it here.

Ross and I celebrated our second wedding anniversary two weeks ago today, and this past Sunday added pearl number two to our jar. It was so much fun and we look forward to doing this for many, many, many more years to come! 

Two little pearls are now in the jar, reminding us of our two years of marriage!

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