Friday, May 15, 2015

So Impressed!

I'm so impressed with Lucy and all that she says and does now. It seems like everyday she can say and understand more and more than the day before. She's getting to where she can kind of carry on a conversation with you and if I ask her to go get something and bring it to me, she can. She will be two next week and I really don't know if these are things she should be doing for her age or if she's a little ahead of the curve.

For quite a while now she's liked to play on our phones and on the iPad. She (like most kids her age I'm sure) knows exactly how to open the phone by pushing the correct button and swiping the screen, and then knows where all her game and video apps are. Honestly, the phone has been a life-saver at times when she's on the verge of a meltdown or has just maxed out when at the grocery store. It is just too easy not to use!

She recently found a Christmas game on the iPad and has started playing it most every day. It has songs to sing, a puzzle to put together, and color matching games. She's really enjoying the matching game. There's actually two matching games and she's mastered both of them. One is to match the colored key to the same colored present to unlock it and another is to match the colored present to the colored kid on the screen. At first I had to help her move the key to the present or the present to the child because she didn't have the action down correct to slide the key or present over. She wanted to put her whole hand on the iPad or just couldn't get the correct hold of it. So instead she held my hand and would direct my finger to the present she wanted to use and then move my hand to the correct matching child. After working on it a few days she finally got the moving action down and can now play the game herself. I am so impressed with her and proud of her ability to match the colors correctly!

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