Sunday, May 1, 2022

Garage Sale Chinchillas

I had a garage sale a few weeks ago and it turned out to be pretty productive! I had been collecting things to give away or sell and putting them in the basement. I didn't really want to do a garage sale, but when I discovered our neighborhood was having a neighborhood sale I thought why not. 

I almost decided to cancel it, though, due to the weather. The Friday I had my sale open was a COLD day with windchills in the 20s! It was even snowing off and on, but surprisingly, I stayed busy all day long! I couldn't believe the steady stream of people who kept coming on such a nasty day. 

I was open on Saturday, too, and at one point that day an older gentleman stopped by and asked about our chinchillas. We had no idea what he was talking about! Another lady who was there shopping hear him and asked about the chinchillas, too. We questioned this a little more and then realized our neighbor, Mike, had struck again! We realized he added an "ask me to see the chinchillas" sign on top of the garage sale sign I had out at our neighborhood entrance. We had a good laugh about this, and of course as always, when we asked Mike about it he played dumb! 

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