Wednesday, October 12, 2022

See You At The Pole

See You At The Pole was two weeks ago this morning. It's a time set aside where students all over the country gather together around their school flagpole on the same day at roughly the same time to pray for their school. It has been around for quite sometime and I remember friends doing this when I was growing up but I never participated. 

One morning this summer the SYATP event crossed my mind and I decided I was going to do this at Mann! I messaged a friend of mine who I knew would help me with it and she said yes, and I asked our principal if it was okay to do and she said yes, too! 

Something like this is kind of hard to advertise. Since it's a religious event I can't post it on our PTA Facebook page or advertise it with a flyer sent home with students like we would for PTA events. My advertising was telling some friends about it and posting it on my personal Facebook page. 

As the date got closer I was dreading it. I didn't think anyone other than my familiy and my friend's family would show up and we would need to get up at 6am that morning to make the 6:45am SYATP start time. (Our school begins at 7:20am this year so our principal said to have it go from 6:45-7am...snooze!!) So I was kind of wishing I hadn't decided to do this! But, it ended up being a good thing! We had four famlies show up giving us 15 people total. I didn't get a picture of all of us at the pole, but I did take a picture of my family. I'm proud of them for getting up early and doing this with me!

That morning after the event I read the verse of the day on my Bible app and thought it was a very timely verse. It was  from Isaid 6:8: "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

I know the verse is kind of taken out of context, but I felt this verse was the Lord saying to me "good job for doing SYATP!" One of my goals with being involved with the PTA was and is to be a light to people and show them God's love. I'm not a vocal person with my faith at all and a lot of people maybe don't even know I go to church. It's just not something I talk aabout a lot, but probably should. So I see the SYATP as a way to continue on my goals of showing God's love to people and look forward to doing it again next year!  

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