Monday, August 27, 2018

Bowling Fun

A local bowling alley has a program offering kids two free games of bowling each day during the summer months. All you have to do is sign your kid up and they email you your coupons each week. My nephews stayed a couple of nights with my parents this summer, so I signed everyone up and Gumma took us bowling one afternoon. It was a lot of fun bowling together! I got a kick out of Gumma, who was all official bringing her own bowling ball and powder and washcloth to help dry her hands off before bowling!

The bowling was free, but we did have to rent our shoes, which were $4/pair. But, if you take your shoe rental receipt to the arcade desk you can exchange it for a $5 game card for the arcade! So basically this bowling alley paid us $1 to play there that afternoon! The girls and boys had a great time playing games and Gumma even played some air hockey with Lucy and Molly! It was a fun time and lots of good memories were made!

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