Monday, August 20, 2018

Last Day Of Summer Vacation

Our last day of summer vacation ended up being a pretty fun day. I'm kind of surprised, because I didn't have anything planned for the day. This was highly unusual for me because all summer I've basically had our whole week planned out on Sunday! I guess I just ran out of things to do, and it was raining, so that was a bit limiting.

We ended up going to the aquarium with Amelie and Maren, and then the girls wanted to eat at McDonald's for lunch, so we did. After Molly's nap we headed to Petsmart, our favorite summer stomping ground, then stopped by Lucy's school for some Kona Ice. It was "Meet the Teacher Day" for all first through fifth graders and they had the Kona Ice truck there for the event! We couldn't pass up Kona Ice! And I was very nervous and had questions about how the first day of school would go dropping Lucy off, etc. I saw some PTA officers at the school and just explained my situation to them and they were very understanding and happy to answer my questions. I was so thankful for that!

It was a great way to wrap up a very fun summer with my favorite girls! :)

Thanks to Aunt Stephanie, Uncle Nathan, Trevor, and Cody for the back to school brownies!

Molly was trying to climb up this cat house/toy at Petsmar!

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