Wednesday, August 15, 2018

We Have A Kindergartner!

Lucy started kindergarten today and we couldn't be prouder of her! She was excited and maybe a little nervous, but if so you really couldn't tell. We parked at a friend's house and walked her into the school. All of the students met in the All Purpose room where they sat in their teacher's class line and waited to be dismissed to their classroom. The parents got to go to the classroom (for the first day only) and stay there for about 10-15 minutes. I was so extremely proud of Lucy and relieved, too, because she didn't cry or cling to me! She's been doing that a lot this summer at Sunday school drop off, birthday parties, and different events we've been to. Her not crying made it SOOOOOOO much easier on me! Lucy walked right up to her class line and sat down, no questions asked. She sat at a table with her friend, Darby, and had fun taking pictures with us. Her teacher, Mrs. Williams, has a class Facebook page and had already posted pictures two different times by 1:50 today!

I am so very excited for Lucy and this new adventure. I think she will really enjoy school and especially learning how to read! I'm very proud of Lucy and love her so, so much!

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