Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I Love Surprises!

I love surprises and last night I received 2 surprises! I got home and found a pretty purple and white basket sitting on my couch. It was from my mom with a note addressed to the Bride to Be saying I could use this basket for some of my wedding materials.

Then when I got ready for bed I pulled my pillow back and found yet another surprise! This one was a larger decorative box with purple hydrangeas on it. (Hydrangeas are my wedding flowers.) This, too, was from my mom and the note was addressed to the Bride to Be suggesting I could use this to store wedding materials. I love surprises like this! It totally made my day.

Having the box under my pillow made the surprise even more special. When we were growing up my mom would always put a little present under our pillow on our birthday or holidays or sometimes just because. I came to look for the pillow present and would go asking for it if it sometimes wasn't there. That is a very neat tradition that I want to carry on with my family someday. Funny thing, just a few weeks ago I told Ross that I missed living at home and getting pillow presents. Gosh...I am just growing up in every way imaginable this year!

1 comment:

Nathan, Stephanie, Trevor & Cody said...

Fun to get those baskets! Then you can use them afterward too!