Thursday, January 28, 2010

Summer School Anyone?

I had a childhood memory the other day that made me laugh out loud. I don't know where it came from but it just hit me so vividly. When I was little I LOVED playing school. We had a playroom in our basement with half of the playroom being dedicated to my classroom. I so wish I had pictures of my classroom to show you. I had a teacher's desk and 2 other desks for my "students." I remember countless trips to the teacher's supply store with my mom to buy grading wheels, grading books, lesson plan books, bulletin board decorations, etc. And to top that off, my Aunt Linda was a school teacher and principal so she also gave me lots of items to use in my classroom. I was a lucky girl!

But what I remember specifically was the summer before I entered sixth grade I taught summer school in my classroom. I was so excited for summer school and had everything all planned out. We had different projects to complete, a couple of field trips - you know, stuff to make it fun because it's summer school. What makes me laugh the most about my memory is that before my "real" school let out for summer I told my teacher all about my plans for summer school. Oh I'm laughing as I type this now!

The playroom in my parent's house has changed a bit, but there is still a school area. Sometimes I go down there and really have a desire to play school again. Trevor and Cody have never used that area to play school...maybe someday I'll have a little niece or a little girl of my own that will share my joy of playing school. Oh the knowledge I have to pass along!

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