Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Shoes! Part 3

I recently started a blog series on my favorite pairs of shoes. Below is a continuation. Enjoy!

Who doesn't love a good pair of red shoes? Red is such a great accent color and is definitely very eye-catching, too. I found these shoes at Kohl's in the spring of 2009. I love these shoes! They are just the perfect accessory to compliment black pants. I will admit, though, these aren't the most comfortable shoes to wear. I don't wear these shoes in the fall/winter so every year when April comes around and I pull them out, I also pull out my Band-Aids! It takes me two-three times of wearing these shoes before my feet become accustomed to them again and I don't wear a blister. Oh well, such is the price to pay for cute shoes!

1 comment:

Christina said...

These are probably my favorite yet!! :):) I love everything about them! The peek toe, the skinny heal and the COLOR!! I am on the look out for the perfect pair of red shoes! I hope I find some just like these! :) You have such great taste!!!!