Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow Day

This is what we woke up to this morning:

I'm at work right now, but oh how I wish I could be at home! I would be in comfy clothes, sitting on the couch, fireplace turned on, watching The Price Is Right! Every school, including Springfield, in the surrounding area is closed today due to the snow. My work has a policy that if Springfield is out of school due to bad weather, then we can wear jeans to work. I do love this policy and have jeans on today. But if I could, I would rewrite the policy to read: If Springfield schools are closed due to bad weather, then the Assemblies of God Headquarters will also be closed.

If you're a teacher, student, or mom with school kids at home, enjoy your day and go play in the snow for me!

1 comment:

Christina said...

Your house looks BEAUTIFUL in the snow!! :):) What a great picture! You should scrapbook it! :) Take a picture of your house in each season! :):) I have done that for our house, I love to look back and see our house at each stage! Then it reminds of the stages that we were in at that time! :) Love you!!