Thursday, March 18, 2021

God Cares About Everything....Even Barbie Shoes

I started this post in the summer of 2019 and am finally getting around to typing it out! I hope I can remember all I wanted to say about it......

One summer afternoon we went swimming at our pool with some friends and I brought along our pool bag full of pool toys. One of the toys was a Barbie doll who had on a pair of black high-heel shoes. The girls played with the Barbie and other toys in the pool and when it was time to go home we gathered everything up in the bag. I remember wanting to make sure and get the Barbie shoes because I just did not want to lose one of them and not have a complete pair. I picked up the Barbie but she only had one shoe on. A friend who was with us helped pick up the toys and she found the missing shoe, so I had my complete set again. I put the shoes back on the Barbie and put her in the toy bag. We went home and got all our stuff unloaded and went about our day. 

The next day when we went swimming we did everything the same as the day before...loaded up, swam, picked up, and came home. This time when picking up the toys I noticed that one Barbie shoe was missing again! I looked all over and just could not find it. I was sad about this, because like I said, I didn't want to have an incomplete pair of Barbie shoes! I looked some more, but accepted that the shoe would just be lost and, honestly, like would go on just fine. I don't think the girls would have cared at all because we really do have a TON of Barbie shoes, so what would one incomplete pair matter?! 

When we got home and unloaded the car that afternoon I walked over to our front steps to look at something. I looked down and I could not believe what my eyes focused on! I bent down to see if what I thought I saw really was what I was seeing and I was was the missing Barbie shoe!! I could hardly believe it! The shoe had been found!! I had no idea why in the world it was laying in the flower bed like the picture shows. Perhaps one of the girls had the Barbie out playing with it by the flowers and the shoe fell off? Perhaps the shoe hadn't gotten all the way in the toy bag and got attached to one of the girls and it fell off when they were by the front steps? It's still a mystery to me how that Barbie shoe got there and I know I'll never know the answer to that question. But it did make me think about God had how he answers prayers and cares about everything in our lives...even missing Barbie shoes! If He can help me find a missing Barbie shoe, then imagine what else He can help you find or what else He can do for you?!  

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